Mainstream media finally getting it – US Visa program must be fixed for minority US STEM grads

The mainstream media has become lap dogs to Big Tech and the pharmaceutical companies. But some days, a voice representing hundreds of thousands of minority college graduates in the United States is allowed to shine through.

Pedro Gonzalez, an editor at Newsweek, wrote a blistering critique of the US visa system, calling it “morally and ethically wrong” and a program that “systematically discriminates against American citizens while exploiting foreign workers, resulting in an upward wealth transfer”


I am absolutely blown away by Mr. Gonzalez’s writing! Not only does he get it, he breaks it down into simple terms. Our immigration system only benefits the richest 1% of our country. And it leaves the rest of us in America to scramble and fight against each other for rapidly dwindling opportunities.

“The perpetuation of the immigration status quo is morally unjustifiable, and virtually every argument for maintaining it melts away in light of the relevant facts. For example, there is no critical labor shortage justifying the mass import of visa workers demanded by the tech industry and its allies,” Mr. Gonzalez wrote.

We believe this young man has a very bright future ahead of him and we will be following his career.

You have to read the story (click on the link above)! He nails all the right points and paints a bleak picture for our country if status quo remains …

Young college graduates are waking up to one of the worst job markets in recent history after already having borne the brunt of the COVID-19 economy. Employers have little reason to invest in training them—or even hiring them, in the first instance—when there is a steady flow of cheaper guest workers available,” Mr. Gonzalez wrote

Are you listening Governor Lamont? Young minorities in CT have mortgaged their future to attend college – and your sweet deals with the likes of Infosys are slamming the door shut on their future.

Another great article by Rachel Rosenthal on focused in on the highly dysfunctional Optional Practical Training (OPT) program – and how it robs opportunity from American college graduates with STEM degrees.

Ms. Rosenthal showed in graphic terms how this Visa program ballooned since 2008 and how it is now more popular with Corporate American than the H1-B program.

So many more people have heard of the H-1B but they are not familiar with OPT. Everyone should know that there is no minimum wage requirement for workers in the OPT program.

Sit back and think about that for a moment. NO MINIMUM WAGE REQUIREMENT!

Workers in this program are more like indentured servants than they are human beings with dignity and rights endowed by our creator. They often work 12-14 hour days for years, in the hopes that their employer will sponsor them for an H-1B visa.

Is America still “the land of the Free?”

The presence of a workforce like this suppresses wages and limits job oportunites for Americans.

“(In 2018) the U.S. had between 96,000 and 143,000 openings in IT occupa­tions that typically went to candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in computer science or engineering, they found. So, OPT participants accounted for anywhere from one-third to one-half of new hires. If you add H-1B candidates, up to two-thirds of openings went to guest workers,” Ms. Rosenthal wrote.

These numbers are probably much worse in our current Covid recession.

Meanwhile, unsurprisingly, our state leaders don’t exactly have our back.

And then there was another Bloomberg article that showed how India’s caste system is alive and well in California’s Silicon Valley.

This is all very crazy. Big Tech companies have gone out of their way to cancel people, destroying careers, families and lives in the process. The woke philosophies guiding these companies have even led to a cartoon character being cancelled.

You’d think these same companies would be concerned if discrimination based on caste was being practiced in their companies.

Thankfully, the state of California is getting involved. In June of 2020, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing has filed a lawsuit against Cisco, charging that the company allowed higher-caste Indians to discriminate against members of lower caste Dalits.

All of this shows how messed up our immigration system. The companies who benefit from this massive influx of cheap labor can’t even make sure their workplaces follow US workplace laws.

Mahatma Gandhi fought to eradicate the caste system in India. It was a terribly unjust system that subjected millions to abject poverty. Membership in a caste determined your outcome in life.

America has always prided itself on being a place where any person can be successful, no matter your familial background or circumstances.

We should not tolerate caste systems in our country. And we should do everything we can to penalize the institutions that enable them. If Big Tech can’t ensure that every human being working for them is being treated fairly – under American workplace rules – they shouldn’t be granted any Visas.

3 replies on “Mainstream media finally getting it – US Visa program must be fixed for minority US STEM grads”

  1. InfoSys is a systemic looter of American jobs. Its only purpose is to get its people trained here and then move all the jobs back to India. Most of our pols like Lamont are being paid off by these people.

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